Wednesday, March 23, 2011

tell me could there be anything better?

"Every time I see Megan it's as if I'm meeting her for the first time, this is because the first time I met her I felt as though I'd known her for years. Megan seems to know exactly who she is, and anyone who spends little more than a few minutes with her should be just as informed, and to know Megan is to love her. Megan is many things: she is a committed friend, an advocate for the rain, and for baby hedgehogs everywhere, and an irrevocable antagonist of all things salad dressing; Megan is a limestone cliff overlooking the sunset on a turbulent Pacific coast; she is a Siamese cat who sometimes thinks she is a chihuahua; she is a pigeon who desperately wants to drive the bus (because, well, she has dreams you know?), but most importantly, Megan is someone, on whom, you can always rely; Megan is... one of the few people who will understand the references in this description."

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