Friday, December 18, 2009

So you want to be in love like the movies

but in the movies, they're not in love at all...

Still fun to watch though. I've watched about six today because I got my wisdom teeth out this morning. I'm doing okay but I'm TERRIFIED of dry socket. That would happen to me. So I watched Death at a Funeral, When Harry Met Sally, Julie and Julia, G-FORCE(mom's choice, worst movie ever), Dirty Dancing, and bits of Enchanted, Sleepless in Seattle and now I'm watching The Holiday.

I also got to see a lot of previews for movies, which are fairly scarce in college. Lotsa new movies I want to see. Other than that I want to see a lot more of the classics so that will be our Netflix goal next semester, ex. Casablanca, Shawshank redemption, and at least enough of the classics to function like a normal person.

But woo for not feeling like I'm dying right now! Let's get over this quick and onto Winter Break! I already miss my school family though!

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