My schedule for next year is kick-ass. If I had picked it myself, it could not have been better.
AP Calc- Colosi
AP English-Mathews
World Religions-Marheineke
AP Bio-Cmaylo :]
Government/Philosophy -KI
Art 1-Gottfried
Two hardest classes first but that's how it is this year and i don't mind it. Gets them out of the way and I'm still somewhat focused. Bio before lunch is awesome. I just love E period for some reason. And then my to easy peasy classes after lunch. Which is soooo nice. And not stressful. If I could have picked the period for any one of my classes I would have chosen G period art hands down. So hooray! Senior year will be interesting. I think I've got a pretty good balance of hard and easy and I planned it that way. I just hope the new math teacher is nice. It isn't exactly my best subject so I'm hoping for someone compassionate.
I'm glad I didn't go for Spanish. I really loathe it now. I'm now acutely aware of how much I don't know. And I hate that, but taking the class would only make it worse because Wemp's left us so unprepared for it. But she's leaving and I am ALMOST done with it. Alleluia. Only two more weeks.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Last night
Yesterday was pretty emotional. Amazing and then scary. Those two have gone together a lot lately. And because of that creative urge that I talked about, I created this to express myself. It felt really, really good.
God, I've gotten so distracted today. First I reorganized all the pictures on my computer and now I'm categorizing all my photobucket pictures. I can't help myself...
Okay here it goes...

spray paint peace sign on a peaceful blue abyss...

my life in my head... natural, beautiful, clear yet abstract and biased, idealistic, all encircled in my brain.

peace is what i crave. the ultimate ideal. it blends and fuses.

i want positive things. to lend a helping hand. to clean the environment. to make the world beautiful. create. think. build.
but there are all these things keeping me from it, pressuring me, changing me. false, ugly, things. some things that appear good and sometimes are. forces pulling me in all directions. nothing is whole. so much is fake. untrue. but is it unreal?
i am being torn apart. stretched. altered. molded. censored.

and it resulted in this:

i want to be me. i want to be uncensored.
God, I've gotten so distracted today. First I reorganized all the pictures on my computer and now I'm categorizing all my photobucket pictures. I can't help myself...
Okay here it goes...
spray paint peace sign on a peaceful blue abyss...
my life in my head... natural, beautiful, clear yet abstract and biased, idealistic, all encircled in my brain.
peace is what i crave. the ultimate ideal. it blends and fuses.
i want positive things. to lend a helping hand. to clean the environment. to make the world beautiful. create. think. build.
but there are all these things keeping me from it, pressuring me, changing me. false, ugly, things. some things that appear good and sometimes are. forces pulling me in all directions. nothing is whole. so much is fake. untrue. but is it unreal?
i am being torn apart. stretched. altered. molded. censored.
and it resulted in this:
i want to be me. i want to be uncensored.
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Vaults
If I had had a blog then, this would have been something I would have written about. Often times I'll see people on the street and just be overwhelmed by the vast numbers of people who walk in and out of my life. There are billions of people in the world and here I am making contact with so many and yet so few, yet it is fleeting and meaningless. Will I ever see them again? Where are they going? What are they doing? Who are they? And I feel this sense of loss, like I'll never know what i may have missed out on. And then another face passes in the same blasé manner. And they too are lost. It haunts me.
The Vaults
I stride along this beaten path of mine
Nervously glancing at roads passing by
No time to ponder as I move away.
Quick twinges of regret and doubt– are hushed.
And yet the ember smolders still inside.
A single shining face catches my eye
Among the faceless millions gathered here
Questions begin to flash across my mind
I burn to ask, to understand it all.
What is your chosen path? Where will you go
From here. The future spreads, a boundless sea–
I’ll follow you to find reality.
But that face dissolves wholly from my world.
To be replaced by freshness of a soul
Which holds no more conclusions than the rest.
Surrounded by so many vaults, but not
A key to find the secrets of this life.
The multitude of faces in the street
I catch and release every sundry soul
In hopes of clues to aid me in my quest.
This unfathomable puzzle troubles
My being to its deepest core– Embers
Never dying, always wanting something more.
The Vaults
I stride along this beaten path of mine
Nervously glancing at roads passing by
No time to ponder as I move away.
Quick twinges of regret and doubt– are hushed.
And yet the ember smolders still inside.
A single shining face catches my eye
Among the faceless millions gathered here
Questions begin to flash across my mind
I burn to ask, to understand it all.
What is your chosen path? Where will you go
From here. The future spreads, a boundless sea–
I’ll follow you to find reality.
But that face dissolves wholly from my world.
To be replaced by freshness of a soul
Which holds no more conclusions than the rest.
Surrounded by so many vaults, but not
A key to find the secrets of this life.
The multitude of faces in the street
I catch and release every sundry soul
In hopes of clues to aid me in my quest.
This unfathomable puzzle troubles
My being to its deepest core– Embers
Never dying, always wanting something more.
Creative urges
Lately I've been feeling very artsy. As of now, it's a rather vague sentiment. I just feel like there is something inside of me that needs to be expressed. Lately I've gone through so much emotionally and certain circumstances have lead to it all being bottled up. I think this is how it is choosing to manifest itself. Blogging is one way. I love it because I can express those little conversations I have with myself in the middle of class, or things that I think about deeply, but are too random to enter everyday conversation. I've already posted the picture I took a couple days ago. Keenan bit into his apple and that's just how it turned out. It reminded me of a picture in my dentist's office with dozens of pictures of hearts in random places; leaves on trees, a bent train track, a droplet of water. And I just felt like I should capture it. Luckily I had a camera for our history project and even though people thought I was being obsessive, I didn't get the best shot until the end of about a dozen or so. It made me feel really good. I want to take some kind of photography class. I don't really have time this summer but we'll see once my job situation is settled. For now, I'm going to post some pieces that I've written this year that I like.
I wrote this in English. The assignment was to model some of the Native American creation myths we had read.
The Necklace
Before the universe as we know it today, the vast heavens were inhabited by the family of the Sky Gods. Of them, the most powerful and mightiest was the Great Spirit. He highly favored his eldest daughter to whom he gave the most beautiful necklace.. This necklace was comprised of everything that was naturally good and beautiful. It shone as brilliantly as the stars and was as varied as the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea.
But one fateful day, as she removed the necklace for slumber, it slipped through her grasp and plummeted into darkness. She tore manically after it, her greatest possession disappearing into the unending black abyss. Yet the universe was not empty. Several balls, as of clay, dotted the landscape. The necklace collided with the clay ball, scattering it thousands of splendid beads across the Earth.
Frantically, the Goddess pushed aside mounds of earth with her massive fingertips, but the minuscule pieces eluded her grasp save for one bit of amber. In her anguish, her mounting sobs filled the newly created valleys, creating the Great Waters. When her family heard of what had happened, they lamented with her, but she could not be consoled. Finally, her brother suggested she use her powers to create Spirits capable of aiding her quest.
Thus with her small fleck of amber she created Hawk, with sharp eyes and sharp beak to navigate the skies to find and retrieve her gems. But Hawk could not recover all, nor even most of the beads. There were those lost within the Great Water, and those that were stowed in niches and mountains and every possible place. So with each discovery, the Goddess was forced to find a new animal to meet the specific needs of each bead. And from this came Fish, Otter and Turtle of the water and the Mole, Snake, Wolf and Mouse of the land and all the creatures in between until at last she had found them all, but alas! She had turned all but one of the jewels, the very last one, into animals in her quest to retrieve them all! She hung her only remaining memory of the necklace, a yellow diamond around her neck. It continues to hang around her neck every day giving light to the Earth until she removes it at night. Despairing again, she sulked for many, many years until the Great Spirit, with much difficulty, procured for her a new necklace of many great and beautiful things from every corner of the universe. She was overjoyed and spent a great deal of time admiring and flaunting it. Yet one day, as the novelty of her new necklace wore off, she realized that she enjoy creating new beings much more greatly than this vanity. And so she returned to that infamous ball of Earth, now inhabited by teems of the wonderful creatures she had created.
With this new found joy she created a new species comprised of all of the elements of the necklace and set these wonderful and amazing new beings to live in harmony with the rest of the creatures, but she gifted them with the ability to speak and to learn and to use the Earth to live. And thus the Goddess rises and dons her single diamond to oversee the good of the Earth, and rests peacefully at night, Her face glowing happily upon all its inhabitants.
I wrote this in English. The assignment was to model some of the Native American creation myths we had read.
The Necklace
Before the universe as we know it today, the vast heavens were inhabited by the family of the Sky Gods. Of them, the most powerful and mightiest was the Great Spirit. He highly favored his eldest daughter to whom he gave the most beautiful necklace.. This necklace was comprised of everything that was naturally good and beautiful. It shone as brilliantly as the stars and was as varied as the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea.
But one fateful day, as she removed the necklace for slumber, it slipped through her grasp and plummeted into darkness. She tore manically after it, her greatest possession disappearing into the unending black abyss. Yet the universe was not empty. Several balls, as of clay, dotted the landscape. The necklace collided with the clay ball, scattering it thousands of splendid beads across the Earth.
Frantically, the Goddess pushed aside mounds of earth with her massive fingertips, but the minuscule pieces eluded her grasp save for one bit of amber. In her anguish, her mounting sobs filled the newly created valleys, creating the Great Waters. When her family heard of what had happened, they lamented with her, but she could not be consoled. Finally, her brother suggested she use her powers to create Spirits capable of aiding her quest.
Thus with her small fleck of amber she created Hawk, with sharp eyes and sharp beak to navigate the skies to find and retrieve her gems. But Hawk could not recover all, nor even most of the beads. There were those lost within the Great Water, and those that were stowed in niches and mountains and every possible place. So with each discovery, the Goddess was forced to find a new animal to meet the specific needs of each bead. And from this came Fish, Otter and Turtle of the water and the Mole, Snake, Wolf and Mouse of the land and all the creatures in between until at last she had found them all, but alas! She had turned all but one of the jewels, the very last one, into animals in her quest to retrieve them all! She hung her only remaining memory of the necklace, a yellow diamond around her neck. It continues to hang around her neck every day giving light to the Earth until she removes it at night. Despairing again, she sulked for many, many years until the Great Spirit, with much difficulty, procured for her a new necklace of many great and beautiful things from every corner of the universe. She was overjoyed and spent a great deal of time admiring and flaunting it. Yet one day, as the novelty of her new necklace wore off, she realized that she enjoy creating new beings much more greatly than this vanity. And so she returned to that infamous ball of Earth, now inhabited by teems of the wonderful creatures she had created.
With this new found joy she created a new species comprised of all of the elements of the necklace and set these wonderful and amazing new beings to live in harmony with the rest of the creatures, but she gifted them with the ability to speak and to learn and to use the Earth to live. And thus the Goddess rises and dons her single diamond to oversee the good of the Earth, and rests peacefully at night, Her face glowing happily upon all its inhabitants.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
creatures of the deep, birds of the air
creatures of the land cry; we cry. but in doing so, we deny the potential of our existence. we are blessed with understanding. therefore we must embody the whole. we shall embrace the silence of the creatures of the deep and we shall sing like the birds of the air.
this was an accident. so is love:

i call it "apple of my eye, shape of my heart."
art is my friend.
secularity and it's correlation to peaceful nations is interesting.
i'll post more later. i had to get these notes on because i can barely read them on my arm any more.
this was an accident. so is love:
i call it "apple of my eye, shape of my heart."
art is my friend.
secularity and it's correlation to peaceful nations is interesting.
i'll post more later. i had to get these notes on because i can barely read them on my arm any more.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I wrote this poem last year and read it again a while ago. I think its my favorite thing that I've ever written. It was inspired by Pride and Prejudice but since has taken on my own story. Now it is even more a story of forgiveness and letting love wash over hurt.
A raindrop falls upon her countenance,
One exquisite drop, like a precious jewel.
It's wholesome goodness descends like a trance;
Yet nagging emotions inside her duel.
A fear of attachment, a fear to trust;
Qualms jostle, emotions a tangled web.
Meanwhile he stares into her eyes nonplused,
Confusion and doubt slowly flow and ebb.
Obdurate to prevent a world of hurt;
But nothing risked for love is nothing gained.
Gently placing her hand upon his shirt,
And her beautifully graceful neck craned
One notion emerges over the rest:
Love conquers, with one kiss 'tis now professed.
A raindrop falls upon her countenance,
One exquisite drop, like a precious jewel.
It's wholesome goodness descends like a trance;
Yet nagging emotions inside her duel.
A fear of attachment, a fear to trust;
Qualms jostle, emotions a tangled web.
Meanwhile he stares into her eyes nonplused,
Confusion and doubt slowly flow and ebb.
Obdurate to prevent a world of hurt;
But nothing risked for love is nothing gained.
Gently placing her hand upon his shirt,
And her beautifully graceful neck craned
One notion emerges over the rest:
Love conquers, with one kiss 'tis now professed.
Monday, May 19, 2008
On nature
Nature is so amazing.
Whenever I'm sitting idly, I like to read the packages of whatever is sitting nearby whether its a box of cereal, sunscreen or some type of packaging. As long as I'm not doing anything, why not educate myself? I've learned that water and corn syrup are pretty much the staples of all food and that I imbibe lots of things that I can't pronounce.
Today there was a small box of baking soda sitting on my kitchen table as I ate. So i picked it up and read it as I ate. And I was struck by the all-encompassing nature of it. Baking soda is comparatively simple compared with the likes of many household cleaners that are highly toxic and terribly harmful for the earth. But here sits the most simple, most natural and yet most of the most versatile substances.
What stuck me as its strangest attribute was that it is such a versatile and effective cleaner, yet is completely edible and can even be used medicinally. It could clean really nasty messes that are most often treated with much harsher chemicals, but is gentle enough to wash your body, even your face(I have and it works very well indeed). Same goes for vinegar. My mom is so proud every time she uses it because it is so effective and as she is CONSTANTLY reminding me, earth friendly. Yet it too is edible. It seems that the simplest things are the safest, the most useful and the most versatile, so why don't we use them more often?
Nature has already given us the tools that we need. We just need to stop trying ot outsmart her and out-do her or we'll ruin this lovely place we call home with all our plastics and man-made chemicals.
27 uses for baking soda
32 Uses for Vinegar: (Almost) the Only Cleaner You'll Ever Need
Whenever I'm sitting idly, I like to read the packages of whatever is sitting nearby whether its a box of cereal, sunscreen or some type of packaging. As long as I'm not doing anything, why not educate myself? I've learned that water and corn syrup are pretty much the staples of all food and that I imbibe lots of things that I can't pronounce.
Today there was a small box of baking soda sitting on my kitchen table as I ate. So i picked it up and read it as I ate. And I was struck by the all-encompassing nature of it. Baking soda is comparatively simple compared with the likes of many household cleaners that are highly toxic and terribly harmful for the earth. But here sits the most simple, most natural and yet most of the most versatile substances.
What stuck me as its strangest attribute was that it is such a versatile and effective cleaner, yet is completely edible and can even be used medicinally. It could clean really nasty messes that are most often treated with much harsher chemicals, but is gentle enough to wash your body, even your face(I have and it works very well indeed). Same goes for vinegar. My mom is so proud every time she uses it because it is so effective and as she is CONSTANTLY reminding me, earth friendly. Yet it too is edible. It seems that the simplest things are the safest, the most useful and the most versatile, so why don't we use them more often?
Nature has already given us the tools that we need. We just need to stop trying ot outsmart her and out-do her or we'll ruin this lovely place we call home with all our plastics and man-made chemicals.
27 uses for baking soda
32 Uses for Vinegar: (Almost) the Only Cleaner You'll Ever Need
Sunday, May 11, 2008
For our religion class, we were asked to bring in something relating to marriage or something that represents the meaning of marriage to you. I was listening to "How Lucky We Are" by Meiko and thought, "This song is about marriage. Actually, lots of songs can express things about marriage." This same day in religion, someone mentioned that the divorce rate is about 50%. This is devastating to me. I know that all marriages don't' work out. Abuse and addiction are not okay and shouldn't be tolerated. Yet I think that many of these divorces are advocated by society. In a world where celebrity matches and breakups are million dollar industries, people have gotten a lot more comfortable with divorce. Most often I hear "irreconcilable differences" cited as the reason for the split. I know it may be a bit naive, but I still believe in the kind of love that lasts. Not too long ago, I thought I had it. When you know someone deeply, enough that you would consider marrying them, you know that they have their faults, that you have your problems, but marriage is not just saying "I want to be with you a lot, and probably only with you." It is a promise to work things out, no matter how hard things get. When I get married, I don't want divorce to be an option. That's what marriage is. It's a promise to be with someone for the rest of your life. It is an expression of deep caring of what happens to that person. Yes, people change, but if you know them well enough to marry them, you will be aware of what changes them and why. You've promised to be understand and they've promised to help you understand. You promise to not run, you promise to always let them in, even if it hurts or if its not what you want. You give up personal desire to the well-being of your partner. Here are some songs that represent marriage to me.
Meiko- How Lucky We Are
One day we'll get outta this shitty apartment
One day is all it takes for things to turn around now
All I know is I got you and you got me, babe
And when that morning comes
I'll make coffee and you'll read the paper
We'll talk about our plans
And I'll keep saying how lucky we are
One day we'll get in the car and drive anywhere we wanna go
And then we'll stay in a five star, mini-bar, luxury hotel room
Cuz all I know is I got you and you got me, babe
And when that morning comes
I'll make coffee and you'll read the paper
We'll talk about our plans
And I'll keep saying how lucky we are
How lucky we are, oh oh oh
How lucky we are, oh oh oh
How lucky we are, oh oh oh
How lucky we are, are, are...
One day we'll turn on the tv and we won't see nothing 'bout war
And when that morning comes
I'll make coffee and you'll read the paper
We'll talk about our plans
And I'll keep saying how lucky we are
How lucky, how lucky we are
Oh how lucky, how lucky, how lucky we are
Oh how lucky, how lucky, how lucky we are
Oh how lucky, how lucky, how lucky we are
Even though things aren't great, love is still the most important. Their desires are for each other, They can pick up and leave everything as long as they are together. Even if life seems mundane, their love makes it worthwhile.
Shawn McDonald-Take My Hand
Take my hand to the promise land
And on You I want to stand
‘Cause I cannot do it on my own
You're what I need and I need to be
Right by Your side ‘cause I cannot hide
Lord, I know that I need You
Na na na na na na na na na, I need You
Na na na na na na na na na, I need You
Without You I'm so alone
I am weak but You are strong
You pick me up when I'm falling down
And I am crying
Out to You inside of my heart
I need You, Lord, oh so, for the part
I want You to have my life, Jesus
I fall to my knees
And I'm begging You, please, oh, Lord
Won't You change me
Make me new from the inside out
I want to shout out Your name
Even though this is a Christian song, it can also be applied to relationships. Neither can do anything without the other, because everything that affects one, affects the other. You can't hide from you spouse. Even if something is horribly wrong or shameful, they've both promised to work it out, and that shame is worth bearing for the sake of their love. He asks to be made new because your partner can see you objectively, your faults, your triumphs, your fears, and they can help to make you a better person, a person who lives for their love.
Jack Johnson-Do You Remember?
Do you remember when we first met? I sure do
It was some time in early September
Though you were lazy about it, you made me wait around
I was so crazy about you, I didn't mind
So I was late for class, I locked my bike to yours
It wasn't hard to find, you'd painted flowers on
Guess that I was afraid that if you rolled away
You might not roll back my direction real soon
Well, I was crazy about you then and now
The craziest thing of all, over ten years have gone by
And you're still mine, we're locked in time
Let's rewind
Do you remember when we first moved in together?
The piano took up the living room
You played me boogie-woogie I played you love songs
You'd say we're playing house now you still say we are
We built our getaway up in a tree we found
We felt so far away though we were still in town
Now I remember watching that old tree burn down
I took a picture that I don't like to look at
Well all these times they come and go
And alone don't seem so long
Over ten years have gone by
We can't rewind, we're locked in time
But you're still mine
Do you remember?"
This traces the story of a relationship exquisitely. It starts as that initial maddening infatuation, that extreme dedication. As the times passes, the relationship gets deeper, more familiar, still amazing, but more comfortable. The tree incident represents problems that were overcome. Time flies and we often take our lovers for granted, but we constantly remind ourselves of our commitment and love for one another.
Jason Mraz-Beautiful Mess
you've got the best of both worlds
you're the kind of girl who can take down a man
and lift him back up again
you are strong but you're needy
humble but you're greedy
and based on your body language and shoddy cursive I've been reading
your style is quite selective
though your mind is rather reckless
while I guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is..
and what a beautiful mess this is
it's like picking up trash in dresses
well it kind of hurts when the
kind of words you write
kind of turn themselves into knifes
and don't mind my nerve
you can call it fiction
but I like being submerged
in your contradictions dear
cause here we are
here…. we…. are…
although you are biased, i love your advice
your comebacks they're quick and probably have to do with your insecurities
there's no shame in being crazy depending on how you take these words
i'm paraphrasing this relationship we're staging
but it's a beautiful mess, yes it is
it's like picking up trash in dresses
well, it kind of hurts when the
kind of words you say
kind of turn themselves into blades and
kind and courteous is a life, i've heard
but it's nice to say that we played in the dirt
cause here… here we are, here we are, here we are, here we are,
here we are, here we are, here we are, here we are, here we are
we're still here, and it's a beautiful mess, yes it is…
it's like taking a guess when the only answer is YES
through timeless words and priceless pictures, we'll fly like birds not of this earth
tides they turn, hearts disfigure
but that's no concern when we're wounded together
and we tore our dresses and stained our shirts but it's nice today;
oh the wait was so worth it
here we are.
This song accurately describes any relationship that has been hurt, but where there is true love. And in marriage, things are bound to go wrong sometimes, people hurting others with or without the intention to. But "that's not concern when we're wounded together". If both people are completely open, they can begin to heal. Keeping it bottled up only keeps it from being resolved and decays the love. Marriage and relationships are messy, but "here we are". We have these problems, and we have this life, the best thing we can do is work them out and save what's most important, our love.
Meiko- How Lucky We Are
One day we'll get outta this shitty apartment
One day is all it takes for things to turn around now
All I know is I got you and you got me, babe
And when that morning comes
I'll make coffee and you'll read the paper
We'll talk about our plans
And I'll keep saying how lucky we are
One day we'll get in the car and drive anywhere we wanna go
And then we'll stay in a five star, mini-bar, luxury hotel room
Cuz all I know is I got you and you got me, babe
And when that morning comes
I'll make coffee and you'll read the paper
We'll talk about our plans
And I'll keep saying how lucky we are
How lucky we are, oh oh oh
How lucky we are, oh oh oh
How lucky we are, oh oh oh
How lucky we are, are, are...
One day we'll turn on the tv and we won't see nothing 'bout war
And when that morning comes
I'll make coffee and you'll read the paper
We'll talk about our plans
And I'll keep saying how lucky we are
How lucky, how lucky we are
Oh how lucky, how lucky, how lucky we are
Oh how lucky, how lucky, how lucky we are
Oh how lucky, how lucky, how lucky we are
Even though things aren't great, love is still the most important. Their desires are for each other, They can pick up and leave everything as long as they are together. Even if life seems mundane, their love makes it worthwhile.
Shawn McDonald-Take My Hand
Take my hand to the promise land
And on You I want to stand
‘Cause I cannot do it on my own
You're what I need and I need to be
Right by Your side ‘cause I cannot hide
Lord, I know that I need You
Na na na na na na na na na, I need You
Na na na na na na na na na, I need You
Without You I'm so alone
I am weak but You are strong
You pick me up when I'm falling down
And I am crying
Out to You inside of my heart
I need You, Lord, oh so, for the part
I want You to have my life, Jesus
I fall to my knees
And I'm begging You, please, oh, Lord
Won't You change me
Make me new from the inside out
I want to shout out Your name
Even though this is a Christian song, it can also be applied to relationships. Neither can do anything without the other, because everything that affects one, affects the other. You can't hide from you spouse. Even if something is horribly wrong or shameful, they've both promised to work it out, and that shame is worth bearing for the sake of their love. He asks to be made new because your partner can see you objectively, your faults, your triumphs, your fears, and they can help to make you a better person, a person who lives for their love.
Jack Johnson-Do You Remember?
Do you remember when we first met? I sure do
It was some time in early September
Though you were lazy about it, you made me wait around
I was so crazy about you, I didn't mind
So I was late for class, I locked my bike to yours
It wasn't hard to find, you'd painted flowers on
Guess that I was afraid that if you rolled away
You might not roll back my direction real soon
Well, I was crazy about you then and now
The craziest thing of all, over ten years have gone by
And you're still mine, we're locked in time
Let's rewind
Do you remember when we first moved in together?
The piano took up the living room
You played me boogie-woogie I played you love songs
You'd say we're playing house now you still say we are
We built our getaway up in a tree we found
We felt so far away though we were still in town
Now I remember watching that old tree burn down
I took a picture that I don't like to look at
Well all these times they come and go
And alone don't seem so long
Over ten years have gone by
We can't rewind, we're locked in time
But you're still mine
Do you remember?"
This traces the story of a relationship exquisitely. It starts as that initial maddening infatuation, that extreme dedication. As the times passes, the relationship gets deeper, more familiar, still amazing, but more comfortable. The tree incident represents problems that were overcome. Time flies and we often take our lovers for granted, but we constantly remind ourselves of our commitment and love for one another.
Jason Mraz-Beautiful Mess
you've got the best of both worlds
you're the kind of girl who can take down a man
and lift him back up again
you are strong but you're needy
humble but you're greedy
and based on your body language and shoddy cursive I've been reading
your style is quite selective
though your mind is rather reckless
while I guess it just suggests that this is just what happiness is..
and what a beautiful mess this is
it's like picking up trash in dresses
well it kind of hurts when the
kind of words you write
kind of turn themselves into knifes
and don't mind my nerve
you can call it fiction
but I like being submerged
in your contradictions dear
cause here we are
here…. we…. are…
although you are biased, i love your advice
your comebacks they're quick and probably have to do with your insecurities
there's no shame in being crazy depending on how you take these words
i'm paraphrasing this relationship we're staging
but it's a beautiful mess, yes it is
it's like picking up trash in dresses
well, it kind of hurts when the
kind of words you say
kind of turn themselves into blades and
kind and courteous is a life, i've heard
but it's nice to say that we played in the dirt
cause here… here we are, here we are, here we are, here we are,
here we are, here we are, here we are, here we are, here we are
we're still here, and it's a beautiful mess, yes it is…
it's like taking a guess when the only answer is YES
through timeless words and priceless pictures, we'll fly like birds not of this earth
tides they turn, hearts disfigure
but that's no concern when we're wounded together
and we tore our dresses and stained our shirts but it's nice today;
oh the wait was so worth it
here we are.
This song accurately describes any relationship that has been hurt, but where there is true love. And in marriage, things are bound to go wrong sometimes, people hurting others with or without the intention to. But "that's not concern when we're wounded together". If both people are completely open, they can begin to heal. Keeping it bottled up only keeps it from being resolved and decays the love. Marriage and relationships are messy, but "here we are". We have these problems, and we have this life, the best thing we can do is work them out and save what's most important, our love.
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