Friday, Wyatt and I finally got off campus and went to a really lovely dinner at PF Changs. We ate a ridiculous amount and then we went for a walk downtown. We wandered into Powell's(more like I dragged him, but he liked it) and after a good while just wandering, I shared with him my love for the German section. We read Die Große Panda and The Rainbowfish in German and it was all fun and games until I showed him the "Dirty German" book. We spent a good forty-five minutes reading all the dirty bad words like penispirat, spermalanza, and gummi. Meinen albern Fuzzi :) Then we played Wii till 2 AM and I crashed hard.
Saturdayf Amelia tricked me into going to Saturday market. We picked out this super awesome Tibetan wall hanging of the tree of life for our year next year. Then she had to go creep on people in a coffeehouse for sociology for a few hours so I decided I was going to try to find the Northface by PF Chang's the night before. I got WONDERFULLY and COMPLETELY lost in Portland. I love the public transportation here. I find something new every time. I found some really awesome courthouse buildings and FROYO! So finally I found it after two hours. They didn't really have the backpacks I was looking at online so I think I'll wait until I get home to get one (or two, as I'm now realizing I might need a travel one and a regular one!). Then I met back up with Amelia and got my haircut and we made it back to school in time for Guam night! It was delicious. By this time I was quite tired so I settled down for the night with our wing party decorating Easter eggs and making calzones. Sheridan had never painted an Easter egg before in her life! Then we watched 101 Dalmatians :) I'm going on another Disney streak again.
Sunday morning I got lots of sleeping accomplished. When I finally tried to do some homework, it turns out that with the new syllabus, I'd already completed the marketing homework for this week. Therefore, without the typical 5 to 6 hours of marketing homework, I was able to execute my Easter plans.
I made all my friends Easter baskets and, drumroll please, used Annie's coco crispies to make it look like bunny poop! Hehe, I was so excited all week. Amelia was the only one who caught me so I had to put on the Bunny Ears and hop away. Wyatt ruined the surprise so he got this:
I'm going to his house for Easter and I'm excited/nervous but I really loved his family so it should be awesome! This week can't be over soon enough! Only have to make it through Thursday morning!